Spring Regional Forum -April 2022

April 7th, 8th & 9th the NAWIC Boise Chapter #245 was proud to host our Pacific Northwest Region Spring Forum here in Boise. We welcomed approximately 80 ladies from Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Montana, and Northern California.




Our weekend started out Thursday evening with a welcome party hosted at the Basque Center with fantastic food provided by Deja Brew, Meridian. It was a wonderful location and the food was amazing. Our ladies raved about it all weekend. After the welcome party several ladies ventured out for a pub crawl at a few local bars in downtown Boise.

As fun as Thursday night was, we were all there to learn and network with our fellow members, so Friday morning we got to work.




Friday morning we were welcomed to Boise by none other than Cherie-Buckner Webb

In her 15 minute “Welcome to Boise” Cherie inspired and engaged the entire room with her dynamic personality. We were left amused and entertained and ready to take on the day.

Our second speaker was Karleen Savage. She presented her Savage Theory of Resolution

She spoke about how it can be good to limit your exposure to the negative and work on exposing yourself to positive and uplifting things. We also learned about active listening…The power of being quiet. We worked on this in groups; actively listening to our partner and practicing silence and just allowing the other person to speak.

Mid morning through lunch our time was spent taking care of the region business. Voting, debating and discussing topics pertaining to the running of our association.

During lunch we had a purse auction to raise money for NEF. Over $1000 was raised during this 30 minute event from our generous members. The NEF was established in 1972 to provide education opportunities and programs to benefit and promote 

the construction industry. They are accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) which serves to promote and support quality construction education programs

After lunch, our Friday afternoon speaker was Jason Harwood presenting the Power of a Positive Self Image. He was energized and kept us engaged

Friday Afternoon was spent hearing from a panel about revitalizing your chapter. Ideas and tools on how to build and retain your chapter memberships.

We also had a NAWIC 101 educational session and learned the working and ways of NAWIC.

Friday evening started off with a Walking Tour of Historic Downtown Boise and then on your own for dinner.




Saturday morning started off with a session about Work Comp Management. This was lead by our very own Ruth Fritts, Director of Safety at McAlvain Companies. She spoke about how to mitigate work comp costs by doing several things. She focused on stressing the importance of accident investigations, statements, pictures, and a strong return to work program. Also, reminded everyone to keep up with your carrier and make sure cases are getting closed, monitored and excess reserves removed. All of these things have led to an extremely low Ex Mod for her company.

Then our next speaker took the stage; Annette Wells presenting Belief is a Choice. She spoke to us about her personal stories of achievement and the antidotes about her family provided inspiration and amusement. If we only choose to believe we can do something, we can make it happen.

Next on our agenda was Courageous Conversations. We heard from several members that were brave enough to share their personal stories of struggle and how they came through and succeeded in the industry and personally.

Just before lunch we had a panel on safety from our own members. Sharing ideas and stories about how to keep everyone safe and sound in our industry.

This was followed by an amazing Safety and Workwear Fashion Show during lunch

Saturday afternoon was spent with committee and contest presentations. Invitations to Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN and Fall Conference in Bend OR. We meet and learned about our National Candidates and awards were presented.

Congratulations to our award winners and achievements:

2022 – 2025 Region Trustee: Laura Grabar, Silicon Valley #99

Excellence Awards:

**Future Leader: Maria Patchin, Sacramento #63

**Member of the Year: Juli Foscoli, Salem #198

**Lifetime Achievement: Chris Wigginton, Spokane #143

Membership awards were given based on info through January 31, 2022. The winner are:

**Most New Members: Puget Sound #60

**Retention: Spokane #143

**Most Members Recruited: Tamie Taylor (5) and Sarah Dow (3), Alaska #197

Marketing - the Marketing awards was given based to the Chapter that posted using #buildingleaders. The winning Chapter is:

**Silicon Valley #99

WIC Week Recaps - these awards were given in three categories: Promoting, DEI Initiatives, and Overall Excellence. The winners are:

**Promoting: Eugene #77

**DEI Initiatives: Puget Sound #60

**Overall Excellence: Alaska #197

We also held a WIC Week (month) membership drive. The winning Chapter is the Chapter with the highest overall increase in membership as a percentage of their membership in 3/1/22. The contest ran the month of March. The winners are:

**1st Place: Guam #381, 33%

**2nd Place: Boise #245, 32%

Block Kids

**Congratulations to the Boise chapter #245 who submitted the winning entry. And to Vienna (last name will not be shared) for her work. Vienna built a park with a park bench, abstract art, a picnic table, and a tree with a bird holding a worm.


25 years:

**Cary Kuvaas, Eugene #77

**Ruth Fritts, Boise #245

**Carolyn Mooradian, Fresno #108

**Carrie Fortier, Eugene #77

**Jennifer McElroy, Member at Large

**Kelly Milstead, South Sound #187

30 years:

**Susan Wood, Salem #198

**Pat McDonald, Silicon Valley #99

**Nancy Cary, Eugene #77

**Tamie Taylor, Alaska #197

35 years:

**CeCe Langs, San Francisco #19

**Tracy Pierce, Alaska #197

**Patricia Krueger, Fresno #108

**Jeanne Staton, Eugene #77

45 years:

**Marlene O'Donnell, Silicon Valley #99

Congratulations to these amazing PNW women, Chapters and leaders. You are an inspiration.

Saturday night was our Gala. Dinner was provided with entertainment form the Basque Dancers.

Boise Chapter was honored to host this event. We thank all of the women that traveled to Boise to attend and make this event a success for all. See you in Minneapolis!