2021-2022 Boise Chapter 245 Board of Directors

On Wednesday September 1st Boise NAWIC retired it’s 2020-2021 board and installed the new officers of the 2021-2022 Board of Directors.

Carolyne Warden gave a wonderful President’s Report and overview of her year as President. She thanked each member of her board with a personal message and memory of their year together. She even surprised the board with New Jackets as Thank You gifts for a year well done.

Debbie Mills installed to new board with a ceremony chosen by the incoming President, Dawn Brubaker.

After the installation, Dawn presented Carolyne with her President’s Plaque and Past President’s Pin with a heartfelt Thank You for her service throughout the last year.

Presenting the 2021-2022 Board of Directors for NAWIC Boise Chapter 245:

Dawn Brubaker – President

Ashley Farmer – Vice President

Mary Lierman – Treasurer

Brenda Smith – Recording Secretary

Amber Hillard – Corresponding Secretary

Mandy Edwards – Director

Shelly Smith – Director

Megan Kautz – Director

Rhonda Miller – Director

Kayee Cron – Director

Carolyne Warden – Immediate Past President